Dr Magda Pieczka (MA (Hons) English, Film and Media) is a Reader in Media & Communications in the MCPA Division. She is also the Director and a member of the Centre for Dialogue and Public Engagement.
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Magda has a PhD degree from Stirling University. Her doctoral thesis was entitled Promotional work: the case of public relations consultancy in the UK, 1995-2000. She also holds a postgraduate qualification in Publishing Studies (M.Phil.) from Stirling University, English at Glasgow University (M. Phil.), and English Philology at Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland (Mgr).
Magda joined 夜色直播 in 2005, after many years of directing MSc course in Public Relations (by Distance Learning) at Stirling University, to contribute to teaching public relations at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, leading the Chartered Institute of Public Relations Public Affairs Diploma and supervising doctoral research (public relations profession and professionalisation; participation and public engagement; discourse and policy).
She is currently a Reader in Public Relations and Director of the Centre for Dialogue and Public Engagement. She is an Editor of Public Relations Inquiry, past co-editor of the Journal of Communication Management, and has served on the editorial boards of Journal of Public Relations Research and Prim, an international online journal based at Massey University, New Zealand.
- Centre for Dialogue and Public Engagement - full member ()
Magda鈥檚 research interests are concerned with the professionalisation of communication in various industries, occupations and contexts; dialogue and public engagement; and discourse analysis in relations to policy.
Within the public relations field, she is recognised as a scholar working in a critical tradition, but has used a range of approaches, either textually based - such as discourse and narrative analysis; ethnographically inspired - participant observation; or more recently, action research.
She has written about public relations professions and professionals, professional knowledge and competencies, about dialogue in science policy and health interventions, and public engagement.
Magda has extensive teaching experience both at an undergraduate and postgraduate level, including subjects such as: critical thinking and rhetoric, public affairs, communication and policy making, research methods and evaluation, communication theory, and public relations theory. Magda is the Programme Leader for MSc Political Communication.
2006 - PhD, University of Stirling: 鈥淧romotional work: The case of public relations consultancy in the UK, 1995-2000.鈥
1992 - M.Phil. in Publishing Studies, University of Stirling
1988 - M.Phil. in Modernism, Department of English Literature, University of Glasgow
1983 - Magister of English Philology, Uniwersytet Jagiello艅ski, Cracow, Poland