

Welcome to the Podiatry section of the Practice-based Learning Support web site.

How to contact us:

All enquiries in the first instance should be directed by email to Joseph McIntyre, with PodiatryPlacements@qmu.ac.uk copied in.


Podiatry Placement Form

Podiatry Practice Based Learning Handbook

The learning handbook details who to contact where there are concerns on placement, and covers important aspects such as attendance/absence policies.

Level 2 Feedback Portfolio (Formative)

Level 2 Feedback Portfolio (Summative)

Level 2 Marking Guidance

For Level 2 - A supporting document that can be used as a guide by PEs to help decide the level at which a student is performing

Level 3 Feedback Portfolio (Formative)

Level 3 Feedback Portfolio (Summative)

Level 3 Marking Guidance

For Level 3 - A supporting document that can be used as a guide by PEs to help decide the level at which a student is performing

Level 4 Feedback Portfolio (Formative)

Level 4 Feedback Portfolio (Summative)

Level 4 Marking Guidance

For Level 4 - A supporting document that can be used as a guide by PEs to help decide the level at which a student is performing

Practice Educator Training PowerPoint