
Physiotherapy - Practice Based Learning

Within the subject area of Physiotherapy at 夜色直播, there are 2 pre-registration programmes requiring learning experiences. These are:

  • Master of Physiotherapy (Undergraduate entry) which is a 4-year programme with an alternative exit route as BSc (Hons) if required.
  • MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-registration) which is a graduate entry programme over 2 years.

Students either complete the programme in 2 years (graduate entry) or 4 years, and all practice-based learning durations and outcomes are the same for each route.

Supporting these placement modules is the following Practice-based Learning Team:

  • Trisha O'Neill is the placement administrator for Physiotherapy. Any enquiries regarding placements should be processed through Trisha who is based in the Placement Administration team.
  • Janet Thomas is the academic placement coordinator coordinator for the undergraduate MPhys and BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy programmes. Janet works at 夜色直播 on Tuesdays and Fridays.
  • Fiona Crook is the academic placement coordinator for the pre-registration MSc Physiotherapy programme. Fiona works full time. 

How to contact us

All enquiries should be directed in the first instance to PhysiotherapyPlacements

The Placement Administration Team also have their own contact number, 0131 474 0127, where we can take messages and pass them on to relevant members of staff every morning. Please note this will not be available in the afternoons; callers will be able to leave a message or be diverted to Academic Administration.

Offering placements 

If you would like to offer placements to physiotherapy students please contact Trisha who will liaise with you regarding the process to do this.

We welcome new practice educators and placement locations, and can support you to develop a placement in your location. We welcome offers from physiotherapists in more role emerging areas where a project based placement or leadership placement might be an option, as well as more traditional clinically based placements.   

All our 5 or 6 week placements are assessed using the